
CHEUNG, Sin Chi Kelvin
MBBS (S’ton); PhD (S’ton)
Clinical Assistant Professor
Link to HKU Scholars Hub
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1562-8883
Contact email
Kelvin obtained his bachelor of medicine degree from the University of Southampton in 2006. After his medical qualifications, Kelvin worked as an emergency medicine doctor in the largest major trauma centre in the south of England for 8 years before relocating to Hong Kong in 2014. Kelvin is currently working as a Clinical Assistant Professor in Orthopaedics surgery where he undertaking research and training to become an orthopaedic surgeon.
After completing his clinical foundation training program, Kelvin embarked on a PhD program under Professor Richard Oreffo and Dr Tilman Sanchez-Elsner at the Bone and Joint Research Group at the University of Southampton. During his PhD studies, Kelvin worked under Professor Yasuhiko Tabata at Kyoto University Japan and Professor Tamas Dalmay at the University of East Anglia on several collaboration projects. Kelvin is skilled in molecular biology, microRNA and genetic research. Kelvin research interests includes the role of epigenetics in osteoarthritis and functional analysis of skeletal stem cells and musculoskeletal tumors.