Other fellowship / visitors & elective student programmes
AO Trauma & AO Spine fellowships
In addition to these locally administered fellowships, the Department is an International Reference Centre for the AO foundation. We receive both short and long term AO fellows. Applications are to the applicant’s local or regional AO Board, further information can be found on www.aotrauma.org or www.aospine.org
Elective Student exchange programmes
Overseas students from other medical schools are welcomed to participate in our orthopaedics and traumatology clerkships in the elective student programmes arranged by the Li Ka Shing Faculy of Medicine. These students upon accepted will be arranged to follow learning activities together with local medical students during Special Clerkship (Year 5) or undertake laboratory / research training under the supervision of the department. For non-local students, student visas are required before they commence their elective training.
The information contained in this website is solely for the purpose of promoting academic exchange. None of such information is intended to be for, nor shall therefore be treated as, dissemination of professional service information of doctors to the public. If you are interested in obtaining any information about the professional practice of our clinical staff members, please visit the website of HKU Health System at https://hkuhs.med.hku.hk/en/homepage/our-professional.
The information contained in this website is solely for the purpose of promoting academic exchange. None of such information is intended to be for, nor shall therefore be treated as, dissemination of professional service information of doctors to the public. If you are interested in obtaining any information about the professional practice of our clinical staff members, please visit the website of HKU Health System at https://hkuhs.med.hku.hk/en/homepage/our-professional.