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ZHU, Feng Aaron
M.D. PhD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Link to HKU Scholars Hub
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Dr Zhu is currently a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology at the University of Hong Kong. He is a consultant doctor and in charge of the spine division in the Orthopaedics Department of the HKU-SZ Hospital. He is also the director of the Orthopaedic base for the standardized resident training in the HKU-SZ Hospital.
Research Interests
- Intervertebral disc degeneration
- Scoliosis and other spinal deformity
- AI system to analyze bone mineral density and direct surgery
Representative publications
- Chentian Li, Chi Ma, Xianglong Zhuo, Wei Wang, Li Li, Wing-Yuk Ip, Bing Li, Tao Li, Songjian Li, Feng Zhu*, and William W. Lu*, Automatic Measurement of Subregional Vertebral Bone Mineral Density via Deep Learning of Quantitative Computed Tomography Images, International Journal of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, 2020, 7, 1-11. (Corresponding Author)
- Chinese Association of Orthopedic Surgeons; Editorial Committee of the “Evidence-based guideline for the management of early onset scoliosis” of Chinese Association of Orthopedic Surgeons. [Evidence-based guideline for the management of early onset scoliosis]. Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi. 2019 Mar 1;57(3):166-169. doi: 10.10.3760/cma.j.issn.0529-5815.2019.03.002. Chinese. (Corresponding Author)
- Zhu F, Bao H, Liu Z, Zhu Z, He S, Qiu Y. Lumbar Retrolisthesis in Aging Spine: What are the Associated Factors? Clin Spine Surg. 2017 Jul;30(6):E677-E682.
- Feng Zhu, Hongda Bao, Peng Yan, Shunan Liu, Zezhang Zhu, Zhen Liu, Yong Qiu. Do the disc degeneration and osteophyte contribute to the curve rigidity of degenerative scoliosis? BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 2017, Mar 29;18(1): 128.
- Feng Zhu, Hongda Bao, Peng Yan, Shunan Liu, Zezhang Zhu, Zhen Liu, Yong Qiu. Comparison of surgical outcome of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and young adult idiopathic scoliosis: A Match-Pair analysis of 160 Lenke I patients. Spine, 2017, 42(19): E1133-E1139. (Corresponding Author)
- Peng Yan, Hongda Bao, Yong Qiu, Mike Bao, Jeffrey J. Varghese, Xu Sun, Zhen Liu, Zezhang Zhu, Bangping Qian, Minghao Zheng, Feng Zhu. Mismatch between proximal rod contouring and proximal junctional angle: A predisposed risk factor for proximal junctional kyphosis in degenerative scoliosis. Spine, 2017, 42(5): E280-E287. (Corresponding Author)
- Toombs C, Lonner B, Fazal A, Boachie-Adjei O, Bastrom T, Pellise F, Ramadan M, Koptan W, ElMiligui Y, Zhu F, Qiu Y, Shufflebarger H. The Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis International Disease Severity Study: Do Operative Curve Magnitude and Complications Vary by Country? Spine Deform. 2019 Nov;7(6):883-889.
- Diebo BG, Shah NV, Boachie-Adjei O, Zhu F, Rothenfluh DA, Paulino CB, Schwab FJ, Lafage V. Adult spinal deformity. Lancet. 2019 Jul 13;394(10193):160-172. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(19)31125-0. Epub 2019 Jul 11. Review.
- Bao H, Liabaud B, Varghese J, Lafage R, Diebo BG, Jalai C, Ramchandran S, Poorman G, Errico T, Zhu F, Protopsaltis T, Passias P, Buckland A, Schwab F, Lafage V. Lumbosacral stress and age may contribute to increased pelvic incidence: an analysis of 1625 adults. Eur Spine J. 2018 Feb;27(2):482-488.
- Hardesty CK, Huang RP, El-Hawary R, Samdani A, Hermida PB, Bas T, Balioğlu MB, Gurd D, Pawelek J, McCarthy R, Zhu F, Luhmann S; Growing Spine Committee of the Scoliosis Research Society. Early-Onset Scoliosis: Updated Treatment Techniques and Results. Spine Deform. 2018 Jul – Aug;6(4):467-472.
- Qiao J, Zhu F, Liu Z, Xu L, Zhu Z, Qian B, Sun X, Jiang Q, Qiu Y. Measurement of Thoracic Inlet Alignment on MRI: Reliability and the Influence of Body Position. Clin Spine Surg. 2017 May;30(4):E377-E380.
- Shi B, Mao S, Sun X, Xu L, Zhu F, Zhu Z, Qian B, Wang W, Qiu Y. Both Bilateral Breast Volume Discrepancy and Asymmetric Anterior Chest Wall Shape Contribute to the Unsightly Breast Contour in Female Right Thoracic Idiopathic Scoliosis. Clin Spine Surg. 2017 May;30(4):E344-E350.
- Qiao J, Zhu F, Xu L, Liu Z, Sun X, Qian B, Jiang Q, Zhu Z, Qiu Y. Accuracy of pedicle screw placement in patients with Marfan syndrome. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2017 Mar 21;18(1):123.
- Chi Ma, Feng Zhu, et al. Osteoporotic Vertebral Fracture Risk Factor Analysis Using Four Compartments of Vertebral Body. 9th International Conference on Osteoporosis and Bone Research (2018)
- Chentian Li, Chi Ma, Feng Zhu, el al. Volumetric versus areal cancellous bone mineral density in vertebrae: a preliminary comparison between computer tomography and radiography risk factors in vertebral osteoporotic facture. 28 Interdisciplinary Research Conference on Injectable Osteoarticular Biomaterials and Bone Augmentation (2018).
- Chi Ma, Chentian Li, Feng Zhu, et al. LBMD-A novel system for Vertebral Fracture Risk Assessment by Decision Tree Model using Localized Bone Mineral Density. International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques. (2020)
- National Science and Technology Progress 2009 Rank 2nd
- Guangdong outstanding young medical talent 2019 Rank 1st
- Science and technology Progress of Jiangsu Province 2008 Rank 1st
- Medical New Technology introduction in Jiangsu Province 2010 Rank 1st
- Medical New Technology introduction in Jiangsu Province 2011 Rank 1st
- Medical New Technology introduction in Jiangsu Province 2012 Rank 1st
- Optimization and Pre-clinical Trial of an Intelligent Bone Quality Assessment System for Various Orthopaedic Applications. Health and Medical Research Fund, 2020
- A systematic study on the role of autophagy related signaling pathways mediated by estrogen and VGEF in the development of degenerative spinal disease. Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee, 2019
- From normal to deformity, evaluation of full body sagittal alignment in Hong Kong Adult Population with EOS scanning system. Jiangsu Peak Talents Program (WSW-065)
- The diagnosis and surgical treatment of adult scoliosis. AOSPINE China Research Grant, 2015~2017
- The diagnosis and surgical treatment of adult scoliosis. Key talents of Medical Science in Jiangsu Province, 2012~2016
- Intervention and standardized treatment in initial adult scoliosis. National Public Health Benefit Research foundation, China (Grant No. 201002018) 2010-2013
- The value of MicroRNA in predicting and diagnosis of AIS. Post Doctor foundation of Jiangsu Province (Grant No. 1201021C) 2013-2014
- New clinical classification of adult scoliosis and standardization of the surgical strategy. Summit of Talents of Jiangsu Province 2013-2015
- Medical Leading Talents of Jiangsu Province 2006-2010
- The clinical and basic research of Bone growth and pubertal development in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province “innovative scholars climbing” project Grant No. BK2009001 2009-2012
- The identification of susceptibility and prognosis genes in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province Grant No. BK2007003 2007-2009
- The clinical research in severe scoliosis with Respiratory failure. Talent Support Project of Jiangsu Province(07-B-027) 2007-2009
- The genetics research in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. International Scientific and Technological Cooperation of Jiangsu Province Grant No. BZ2007024 2007.08-2009.12
- The mechanism of abnormal anterior and posterior spinal growth in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant No. 30672131 01-2009.12
- The Evaluation and clinical application of spine growth potential in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Major projects of Jiangsu Province Grant No. K200610 8-2009.3
- The research of abnormal anterior and posterior spinal growth in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Health bureau Grant No. YKK0233 2003-2005
- The etiology of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province Grant No. BK2002141 2002-2005