
【脊柱側彎知識庫】 由香港大學矯形及創傷外科學系所製作嘅脊柱側彎知識庫已經面世喇!平台入面有唔同關於脊柱側彎嘅專業資訊,當中包括有講解青少年原發性脊柱側彎,脊柱側彎嘅治療方案,以及青少年脊柱側彎嘅常見誤解。如果想了解關於脊柱側彎嘅資訊,記得Click入下面條link睇喇!



* 脊柱側彎知識庫項目項目獲大學教育資助委員會授予的香港大學知識交流基金支持

The Department has just unveiled the Scoliosis Knowledge Hub Website, thanks to the HKU Knowledge Exchange Fund. This website is a valuable resource for anyone seeking information about scoliosis, including treatment options and the responsibilities of patients. Our goal is to empower patients to take an active role in their treatment and achieve the best possible outcomes.

Check it out today and take the first step towards a better understanding of scoliosis!

Learn More: https://scoliosis.hku.hk

Please fill in the survey after visiting the website.